The recent uproar about privacy is overblown and misguided in my opinion. The revelation of Government sponsored eavesdropping has brought the whole thing to a head and resulted in numerous heated arguments and lawsuits. But many of the loudest complainers have missed the boat. They are mistaking anonymity for privacy.
Privacy is a good thing. It allows us to do all the necessary things we need to do daily without suffering undue embarrassment. It is the main reason we have restroom stalls and those small partitions between urinals in men’s rooms, which if you have a “shy” bladder like I do, are a necessity. Privacy allows us to function in a close society. It is necessary and valuable and should be protected.
Whole bunches of people, on the other hand, are intentionally trying to confuse issue. These groups would like to extend the right to privacy to include anonymity. Anonymity is not about functioning within society. Just the opposite in fact. It is much more about being able to operate under the radar and avoid any social responsibility, and that often results in big trouble.
In the movie, The Invisible Man (the book is significantly different), we are given a glimpse of the dark effects of anonymity. Free of the possibility of being identified, the main character descends into immoral behavior, madness and murder.
The Internet and its widely accepted policy of using fictitious and anonymous user names have resulted in a world wide “Invisible Man Effect”.
Free of the disapproval of family, friends and society, many people create a dark persona who they allow to run wild, free of any self-restraint or restrictions imposed on them by society.
By now you are probably asking, “What’s the harm”? Well if you are sending flowers to your Valentine anonymously or not behaving in a hurtful manner and obeying the laws and norms of your society, there is no harm. But if you are behaving in an acceptable manner…why do we need to hide who we are?
In your gut, I am certain you know I am correct, but if you need proof anonymity can be horribly destructive, all you need to do is watch the news. It is filled with stories of terrorists, pedophiles, murderers and thieves, all able to function only under the protection of anonymity. If they don’t create some false identity to do their crimes, they will steal and assume someone else’s identity, and by all accounts the phenomenon is quickly on the rise.
If you need further proof…you need to set your Tivo, DVR or VCR to record Dateline NBC this Friday. You will be shocked to see how people, from all walks of life, use the anonymity offered by the Internet to sexually abuse children and how Perverted Justice, law enforcement and the media are stripping away that anonymity and exposing the Mr. Hyde behind the Dr. Jeckyll. I don’t believe the writer, Robert Louis Stevenson choose the name Hyde (hide) by coincidence.
Like you, I enjoy and value living in a free society, but the idea of a society free of any restraint scares the hell out of me. I think we can find some balance that preserves privacy without giving the Invisible Man and Mr. Hyde the keys to the kingdom. Don’t you?