If the entire controversy surrounding Vermont’s Judge Cashman and the outrageously light sentence he gave a confessed child molester does nothing else, it has sparked a vital debate about sex offenders.
Punishment and segregation versus rehabilitation and reintegration.
As a former law enforcement officer, former prison guard and father, I have formed very strong opinions on the subject.
Punishment satisfies the public’s need for justice and segregation protects children from those who would repeat their offenses. The concept of rehabilitation means to somehow repair or modify the behavior of the offender. Reintegration allows the offender to return back into normal society.
The fact is that a number of sex offenders will re-offend. I attempted to study the statistics and became frustrated. The recidivism rates for sex offenders vary widely depending on the study, the definition of sex offender and definition of what crimes qualify as recidivism. Some studies actually included a time frame or limit on additional offenses. I found numbers anywhere from about 10% to over 40% of sex offenders continuing their crimes after being released from custody.
I decided, that for me, the numbers don’t matter much. I find there is no way to “balance” the “rights” of sex offenders and the rights of victims and public safety. Admitting that, I will chose the rights of the innocent every time.
Those of you who decry the lengthy sentences, numerous living restrictions and required offender registration as draconian might as well save your breath. I cannot believe you bitch about us wanting proven threats removed from or streets, from around our schools and playgrounds. I’m bitching that our children cannot go to school, play in a playground or go to church for that matter, without being potential targets for some pedophile…and those are just the ones we KNOW about.
Women in particular should support the lengthy incarceration and forced registration of sex offenders. They know what it is like to walk alone to a car in a parking lot, keys in hand, ready for fight or flight. Why…because they know sex offenders prey on those they perceive as weak and unprotected. Children have it worse as they are unable to fully perceive the threat they face.
Well it’s about damn time we stood up as a society and protected the innocent. We need to pass Jessica’s Law nationwide. We need to increase public awareness and segregate sex offenders from our society. Judge Cashman in Vermont has not helped his cause and desire to see better treatment for sex offenders. Instead he has increased public awareness and anger. His actions will result in the removal of judges’ discretion in sentencing sex offenders. Maybe it’s about time. For that, I cannot thank Judge Cashman enough, though I think he should be immediately removed from the bench and be required to sit in on a couple sessions of support groups for VICTIMS of sex offenses.
I urge you to take a moment to visit the website of Perverted Justice. A website of volunteers who pose as children in chat rooms and expose child molesters using cyberspace to target potential victims. You will be highly disturbed by what is actually going on. You should be. The TV magazine Dateline will be continuing to cover Perverted Justice and their efforts on February 3rd. Please watch it. Their website can be found at www.perverted-justice.com