Immigration vs. integration, that really should be the center of this whole immigration mess.
Why the heck are we turning our magnifying glass at Mexicans? Most Mexican immigrants I have been exposed to, want nothing more than to integrate into American society, to find work, live their lives and to seek out their version of “The American Dream”.
We shouldn’t be debating that issue at all…These are not the people we should be seeking with a vengeance, to deport back to their home countries.
We should be looking at preventing and removing people who have no wish to integrate into American society. Those who are determined not to learn enough of the English language to get by in our society without undue assistance. We should be looking at those whose beliefs and values lead them to lash out violently against our country, and of course those who participate in criminal activity.
We should be much more concerned with religious fanatics who advocate violence against our country…concerned with individuals involved in organized crime…involved in terrorism…involved in human slavery. These are some of the people I would target for deportation, not just focusing the full intensity of the debate on Mexicans.
It is really pretty simple. If you are here illegally and you are caught…you get sent packing. But so far as intentionally targeting illegal Mexican migrant workers instead of going after some fanatical cleric…no way.
I would much rather see one venom spouting, hatred preaching, mind-twisting scumbag deported rather than 500,000 illegal migrant workers.
So for me it is about integration. Yeah, yeah, I know…it’s a free country, and I’m thankful for that. I just wish those who refuse to integrate enough to live and let live, would go home, to where they so obviously had it sooooo much better.
Too bad the Ku Klux Klan is homegrown in the USA…I’d love to see them sent off to whatever passes for their version of Utopia…perhaps a trailer park on the pristine white snowfields of Antarctica.
Sorry…just splurging on a little wishful thinking.