Ohio’s Franklin County Common Pleas Judge John Connor must be either mentally incompetent or certifiably insane.
It seems he has decided to follow a path most recently blazed by Vermont’s Judge Cashman. He handed down a sentence of probation for a self-confessed child molester. I am inclined to believe that Vermont’s Cashman, felt incarceration did not work when it came to rehabilitation of sexually offenders and on that opinion I agree. However Cashman lost sight of the fact that incarceration at least prevents sexual offenders from accessing other victims. After much scrutiny Cashman did change the sentence he had handed down. Judge Conner’s decision to follow this path only serves to illuminate his callous disregard for the safety of the children of Ohio or his utter incompetence.
This has all come to light thanks in part, to a plea-bargain which allowed Andrew S. Selva, who had been indicted on 20 counts of child rape and 2 counts of gross sexual imposition, to plea guilty to only two counts of sexual battery.
Selva sexually abused two boys repeatedly over a three-year period of time, and for his crimes…Selva gets five years probation, with stipulations that he be electronically monitored for the first year, receive counseling and check in with his probation officer once a week. I could see that type of sentence handed down for shoplifting, not for the repeated sexual abuse of two children.
It would appear the judge was swayed more by psychologists who thought incarceration would be counter productive to Selva’s prognosis, than by the judicial systems obligation to provide a fair environment for victims to seek redress and justice.
I agree with alternative sentencing where there is no incarceration, but only for NON-VIOLENT CRIMES.
This goes way beyond the pale and this type of judicial grandstanding can only result in a public backlash, which will take us onto very dangerous ground.
A ground swell of public opinion advocating the death sentence for child molesters is gaining support. This type of injustice is fueling that reaction. On a gut level I agree with it, but I fear we would end up with the same situation that the “Lindberg” kidnapping law inspired. Since that law made kidnapping an offense punishable by death, kidnappers learned to kill their victims in an attempt not to be caught. The punishment for kidnapping was no worse than for murder and dead men tell no tales. I certainly don’t want child molesters learning to kill their victims in an attempt to avoid being caught.
Judge Conner has stated that he will not step down from his position and feels he upheld his oath of office. He further related that Judges should not be subjected to political pressure whenever they hand down a sentence. That is a valid argument that Conner has no business hiding behind. Unfortunately, Conner used his discretion to hand out just the type of light sentence that will ensure voters will take steps to REMOVE that discretion from all judges. He has become a major part of the problem, and is responsible for a horrible miscarriage of justice and should be immediately removed. His previous legal troubles with DUI and cocaine possession alone should be enough to show he is unsuitable to sit on the bench.
Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!
Posted by: govokinolij | July 12, 2007 at 10:52 PM